Our senior students who are soon to go for internships with companies attended a talk on the topic "Looking at Life" on the 21st June. It was in collaboration with Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS). The speaker Don Lowe shared with us many interesting ideas on how to face life as we are entering a different phase of life. Graduation will approach us next year and its time for us to think about what we are going to do when we graduate and what we hope to achieve. Imagine yourself in 5 or 10 years time, where are would, what are you doing, what have you done. These are things we have to think about now so as to set a goal to target for the future. Don shared with us many thoughts and got us to think carefully about our future. Everyone gained a new perspective and learnt much from him. I believe it was a great learning experience from us especially with his enthusiasm.
Wishing all our seniors success in the future!

Our students standing up for an activity

Don Lowe sharing his experience

Don sharing some quotes about life.
"And in the end its not the years in your life that count, its the life in your years."

Don showing us his family picture and sharing the story behind the photo

Our students listening to his viewpoints and stories

Ms Farida, our lecturer who arranged this and the speaker Don Lowe
To all the Interactive Media Informatics Graduates, Congratulations to you for completing your three years in Temasek Poly! Time has passed very quickly hasn't it? Soon you will be on your way to further education or join the working force. Join the alumni and be part of the school. Always remember the times you had spent at TP, your friends, the hard work and happiness. Always remember that we will welcome you back with open arms!
Embrace your new life and work towards your goals! Be courageous and take on challenges!

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anais Nin

Graduation ceremony at Temasek Convection Centre
Our graduates taking a photo with the board

Great job to our medalists! You are a role model to all of us!