Hey everyone, it is me, Hikaru, again. Sorry for the extremely slow updates that we are putting up. Recently, most of us are busy with our assignments. We will increase our post frequency after the semester break kicks in.
Ok! Let us get into topic nowxzxzxzxz. Well, have you ever thought about yourself being addicted to something?
Here are some information. When someone is addicted to something, he/she will be very agitated about it. This person will also slowly lost patience to anything around them.
The awesome M blogger and I went to listen to a talk hosted by Mr. Puden Tsang, Project Manager of Rie ink company. He gave us a talk on Alcoholic Addiction and Smoking Addiction - alcohol and smoking can be harmful to us if we take in more than expected limits which our bodies can take.
Before heading into the main topic, Puden played a little game with us and let us do a quiz to see how addictive we are. The more points you have, the more addictive you are.
Here is Ms Farida introducing the guest speaker Mr Puden Tsang (on the right)

The Addictive Traits.
In the talk, Puden told us about how drinking too much alcohol will cause many health problems to our body. The average drink per day for female is just 1 glass while the average drink per day for male are 2~3 glasses. He also stated that more and more youths have started drinking recently and the youngest age for a youth to start drinking is 12 years old. That is a very young for a teenager to start drinking. Well this doesn't mean that you can't drink at all. You can, but do it in moderation.
The effect of drinking.
After that, he goes on by telling us the percentage of alcohol that will be in our bloodstream when we drink. Each glass of beer consist of 0.02% alcohol content which are quite high.

Hence, if you want to drink, drink responsibly. Do also take note of your health by drinking less. And also, each alcohol contain almost the same amount of calories as the food we take everyday.
So if you don't wanna get fat, then stop drinking and keep yourself healthy.
It is important to drink responsibly.
Amount of Calories in each Alcohol.
During the talk, we also learned about the negative side effect of smoking. I know that you people already know the side effect of smoking, however, there are still people who are smoking. Some may even take in more than 5 sticks of cigarette per day which is dangerous for the health. Smoking can only make us feel good for a short moment and over do it, you may get cancers such as lung cancers.
In my opinion, I think that everyone wants to live long and enjoy their time with their families and loved ones. If your family members or your friends smoke, it would be best to encourage them not to.
A short activity during the talk.
Well, that's all folks. Stay tune for our next post which is near Valentine Day. =)
The IMI Bloggers and the guest speakers.