Animation is at the heart of all interactive digital media projects. Animation adds life to digital games, educational training packages, movies and web applications. Businesses, advertising agencies, schools and entertainment companies are seeking creative ways of using 3D modelling, animation and immersive 3D environments to reach out to people. This is rapidly changing the landscape of the digital media industry.
In this course, you will explore and use a variety of digital media tools and technologies to create exciting applications. You will learn design, animation and IT fundamentals so that you can create vibrant and practical applications for people and organisations. You will pick up skills that enable you to revolutionise the way people interact on the Web.
Our students work on real life projects for organisations such as the Ministry of Finance, schools, commercial organisations and advertising firms. This gives you an edge in building up your portfolio and you also have a chance to gain experience in creating and designing solutions that enrich people and organisations.
You will also have an opportunity to take on an internship position in Singapore or overseas to gain valuable experience in a real life work environment.
Upon completing your studies, you can pursue a related degree in local or overseas universities as we have advanced standing arrangements with many universities. Our students have also secured good scholarships to pursue their university degrees.