After which, we had an introduction of the committee involved and followed by ice breaking games for the different teams.
We also had games like Capture The Flag, where the teams were combined into two teams which were red and blue together, while green and yellow were teamed together. Teams had to first fill up their water bombs before the game started. Later, the teams had to first only carry one water bomb person and go around searching for the flag. Players could throw the water bombs at the opposing team players and that would then get them eliminated. Players had to find the flag, and bring it back to their base. It was definitely a fun experience for them and all of us!
We also had games like Capture The Flag, where the teams were combined into two teams which were red and blue together, while green and yellow were teamed together. Teams had to first fill up their water bombs before the game started. Later, the teams had to first only carry one water bomb person and go around searching for the flag. Players could throw the water bombs at the opposing team players and that would then get them eliminated. Players had to find the flag, and bring it back to their base. It was definitely a fun experience for them and all of us!
Another game we had was called the Running man, where this time all four teams were playing as opposing teams. Teams had to go through four stations. There were four different stations located at different locations. Teams had to complete each station before getting a clue on where the other station would be located at. At the end after completing all four stations, teams had to gather at Mushroom to complete a game. After so, teams will have to go around the different schools in search for poker cards.

We also had BBQ after Running Man! Everyone was hungry and exhausted after participating in Running Man. We also had an impromptu Hide and Seek game after the BBQ.
We all had fun at the event and we hope that those who attended enjoyed themselves too! For those who didn't attend, we assure you that there will be more fun events to come!
Till then! :)
Till then! :)