Hi all!
A little self-intro - Daryl here, currently a 2yr student, and feel free to guess my age along with Raymond's. ^^( no prizes though). Time sure files, as Alvin has said, and it seemed only like 2 days ago when i entered Tp to study for the first time...
A little self-intro - Daryl here, currently a 2yr student, and feel free to guess my age along with Raymond's. ^^( no prizes though). Time sure files, as Alvin has said, and it seemed only like 2 days ago when i entered Tp to study for the first time...
*Note* I won't post any work up cos I haven't done any yet (Heh Heh) and also cos my work is the worst among all the contributors. >.< (Not to mention that I'm a little lazy..) I kinda looked forward to coming back to school. The joy of meeting friends in school again and the horrors of waking up finding that you are late for school. And there you go, the first week of school has just gone by, and it must have been powered by some nuclear rocket cos it sure flew by fast. Blink of an eye and its gone. Woooosh!
Anyways the first week was quite fun for me. Getting to meet friends and catching up with them, not to mention finding old friends who are now freshies and getting the kick out of laughing at them, and how can i forget about the nice "scenery" all around business school? (Muahhahaha!)
Lessons was fun, aside from the fact that i once again forgot to print out lecture notes. (Opps..) Teachers were nice to, getting all sorts of fun teachers to teach you different subjects. Haha! And i finally bought my first textbook in my whole poly life! Wooooo!
*Note to newcomers: Textbooks are a MUST BUY if lecturers asks you to. The reason i did not buy any before was due to the fact that i had short term memory and money loss*