Ok... It has been 2 months in Penang doing our OSIP (Oversea Student Internship Program, did i get it right? :P)... Work load else, we are managing quite well somehow... Of course we do have our ups and downs during this period of time... But we did learn quite a number of things when we helped each others on our individual works sometimes... Sharing is caring... :)
Just wanna show you guys a couple of corporate websites done by Yong Han and Edmund from the Distributed Multimedia option... MilleGlasses (http://www.milleglasses.com) and ERP (http://www.iripcd.com/erp/index.html)... Cool right? You can go to google and search Milleglasses and it is right there! Hehe... This need some kind of 'tricks'...
There are more websites that we have done... But still not upload yet... We also did some Flash Promotional/Presentation CD for some of our company's services and products... Too bad cant show you guys as it is coporate stuff... Yup...
K lahz... Enough of work stuff... Now come to a MORE interesting topic... We learnt to make full use of the local public bus transport and travelled to Queensbay Mall for shopping! Hehehe... The public transport system here is not as good as in Singapore as most of the locals here own at least one to two transport vehicles... So there is no point to have a good public transport system here...

I think after staying oversea for awhile, we are able to adapt to the lifestyle quite well... Looking after each other, getting daily necessities, explore the place around and learning to be more independent... We even made our very own 'Music Video'... Hahaha... Yeah... K lahz... Better off to sleep soon... Do stay tune for next week on Alastair's blog entry... Cause we will be going to have a great time next week! Hehehe... Till next time!