Luqman Hakim is a final year student from Interactive Media Informatics. He is currently having his student intership at SmartLab Education Private School and has shared his experience with us. Here is what he has to say about his experience:
In my past three weeks that I have been on my internship, I had a beneficial experience that could not have been possible in school.
The biggest difference would be the change of environment. I had to get myself quickly accustomed to the pace and timing of the working life. I feel that it is apt to say that are a lot of differences from school life. Of course, it is here in the working life where I can see my skills and experiences acquired from school being put into good use.
For example, I have been tasked by the CEO to research on video recording and the tools needed for it, as well as to come up with a concept video for him.
As Informatics & IT School has always emphasized on independent research, I managed to come up with a comprehensive report for the CEO. I had the chance to use the skills I learned in Digital Media Production Fundamentals (DMPF) to produce the video.
I feel that the SIP is a good opportunity for students to realize their potential and to see that their skills are being put to good use outside of school. I hope that everyone enjoyed their SIP as much as I did.
Post Contributor : SIP student - LUQMAN HAKIM B MOHD JAFREY
SIP host : SmartLab Education Private School