First off, I'm terribly apologetic, this post has been delayed for quite a while ever since my MacBook Pro died on me - With a whole lifetime's worth of work. *sniff* Shall go into detail of this in the next post though.
Yeah. Anyway, back to the topic. This post is on the AIDS/HIV exhibition which complemented the AIDS/HIV talk.
While the talk focused on the disease itself, the exhibition focused on sexual intercourse & how safe are you from HIV/AIDS when you're engaging in the activity itself. It also featured testimonies from some young people who contracted the disease on how it altered their lives, forever.
Well, my take on the matter is, before you decide to have sex with anyone, you have to make sure that the other person is not infected with the disease, promiscuous & you have to find out about their sexual history too.
Why do I say this? Well, all these factors are those that directly affect the probability of your sexual experience contracting you the disease. Well, you obviously don't have sex with someone else that has HIV/AIDS right? Also, if the other person is one that has done it with many other people, then the probability of you contracting the disease is directly amplified too.
Why do I say this? When you get married, of course, your spouse would probably have made sure that he/she is HIV/AIDS free before they actually decide that they want to woo you & stay with you for life. Also, it is the moral responsibility of a husband/wife to make sure the person they want to stay with for life don't catch HIV/AIDS right?
This can also help to reduce the incidences of teenage pregnancy, or the contraction of other STDs such as Syphilis, Gonorrhoea et cetera. Sex is not something to be taken lightly, & should only be performed with a person you are really in love in, & not because you desire another person.
Please, don't have sex with just anyone. Even if you are your partner's, well, only partner, think twice. It's a decision that sticks with you for life. & yeah, it's a choice that you cannot undo. You might end up regretting it for life.
Well, yeah, that's all I have for y'all today! Hope that this post can let everyone know more about sex, HIV/AIDS & what to or not to do.
XOXO, y'know y'love me.
Gossip J
P.S: Here are some pictures!
Well, to me, the title of this board is really stupid, of course you should care, do you want to get HIV/AIDS?!

Whoa, now exhibitions have morphed into interactive ones? Why don't we just use iPhones next, instead of cardboard? *thumbs up*

Last but not least...
Another beautiful board.