I am a year 2 student in IMI! I am part of the IMI Student Interest Group Main Committee. My name is a secret but thou may call me Orange. Why orange? Well you see , I love the color orange. Because its really an amazing, awesome, life-is-fun-feeling inducing color and I could go on forever but I have better things to do.
Psst: Blogger recently updated their interface and guess what! The buttons are in orange! Haha! What are the odds!Anyway, I'm one of the few who can post stuff on this blog here so I'll be posting things once in awhile.
So on with today's post
Today I'm going to share with you a website that I've stumbled upon while browsing on related articles about web design. A list apart is a webzine that publishes articles about web design and its various fields that are written by the professionals of that particular field. The link is www.alistapart.com. They have a wide range of topics which can talk about seemingly random subjects such as doodling, sketching or the more common ones such as graphic design, codes, culture, web writing and many other topics you'll find when you explore their website. Enjoy reading most of the articles they have there. It is really insightful and it may even help you during your projects!
Here is one of the articles I've read recently, http://www.alistapart.com/articles/making-up-stories-perception-language-and-the-web/ I won't spoil it for you but its more or less about how people-such as yourself- interpret and understand the way content is shown on the web. They talk about it in terms of the text on the website. The words used and bla bla bla about how people make inferences. Reminds you of the concept of mental models for those who have taken HCI.
Read it! Enjoy it! Understand it! Use it!
If you have any questions you can tweet about it to IMI's twitterfeed and I'll reply you from there or you could head over to our IMI page on facebook.
Just in case you don't have the links.
Twitter page: http://twitter.com/#!/IMItp
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/InteractiveMediaInformatics
With that I end my post here. Next up would be on Dropbox! A very powerful and simple tool you can use to help for school work and personal endeavors.
Until then, cheerios!