The working environment here is great except abit messy... The upper management treats the staff well... At the same time, kinda stress while we working on projects... It is TOTALLY different from school assignments! In school, we have guidelines, marking scheme, lecture notes & tutorials, classmates' & lecturers' help and at least one month deadline for submission... Over here, we are given real industry projects to do and the deadline is much much shorter! Each one of us were given different tasks to work on individually... Imagine, everyday 9am to 6pm you are WORKING on Flash website whole day long... It's quite tiring somehow... Currently, our usual deadline is one week duration... Back in school, i usually take my own sweet time (1-2 hours per day) to do my assignments as i like to explore and play around with different stuff... That is why it is important to do your own research and explore during schooling time... Otherwise, when come to work, you will be lost and panic as the deadline is shorter...
My supervisor, Mr Bernard, is very nice to us too... Bring us around in Penang for the first week after work... We even went to the Beach Cafe which you don't find it in Singapore... The feel is totally different... And during the weekend, he also brought us to places like Toys Muesum (My FAVOURITE!!!), beach, Butterfly Farm and had fresh durians in the hill for 20 RM!!! We also went to Queensway Bay to shop around... *Note: Currently Malaysia having MEGA Sale! Up to 70%!!!* Opps... Did i tempt Miss Natasha and Miss Cherry too? Muahahahahaha...

Anyway, stay tuned for more... Currently rushing another project... Doing some Flash presentation material for one of my bosses... Deadline? 2-3 days... :S GLHF!!! (Good Luck Have Fun)