Hey y’all!
Jaiden here again! This is part one of three posts that link the reflections of three IND – That’s what IMI was formerly known as! – graduates about the course itself, & how the course affected, & helped them in their lives.
This reflection today is from IND graduate Marcus Su.
Reflection from Marcus Su:
My most memorable experience in IND was during my final year when I was involved in several projects simultaneously. At that time, I was working on an educational multiplayer intranet game, a mobile voting application and my major project, a online game for Ministry of Finance. I would admit that the stress was tremendous, but it gave me great exposure and opportunity to put my skills to good use. I also saw how many of my lecturers never fail to help me in terms of mentorship.
Temasek Polytechnic's Infomatics and IT School focused on building the student's ability to seek new knowledge and skills as an independent learner, and providing sufficient technical and presentation skills to kick start a career in the IT industry. Students would be able to get an entry level IT job after graduating from the diploma, but given the ever-changing nature of our field of study, we need to constantly upgrade our skill set and keep up with the times in order to be competitive. Therefore, it really depends a lot on the attitude of the student.
To be more competitive especially with the majority of university students being from Junior Colleges, do pick up more advanced Mathematics not covered in TP, such as Calculus, on your own free time. The other aspect to work on would be to learn to be flexible and proactive.
In university, technical skills are considered a given and thus they are looking more of the ability to achieve higher order thinking. It is no longer only about facts and figures, but knowing how and when to apply our skills on what. We are given a lot of power in shaping our own learning as well. But as the saying goes, great power comes great responsibilities. It is a fast-paced, self-directed and deep learning experience. Students can choose to go into multimedia or computer science courses.
Thank you Marcus for that marvellously informative reflection. Let’s hope that this information will be relevant to any of you aspiring IMI students out there!
My pick out of this whole assortment of meats is that it does not really matter whether you go to a polytechnic or junior college to go to university, it merely requires a lot of effort to be put in & that you stay focused on your eventual goal of going to university for your degree.
As Mad Eye Moody would say, constance vigilance!
Y’know y’love me, XOXO.
Gossip J, Your source for all information IMI related, & more.