Hey y’all! Jaiden here once again! This is the last part – Sadly.. *sniffs* - of our coverage of the IND graduates & their reflections.
This last reflection is from IND graduate, Eugene Neo.
Reflection from Eugene Neo:

Needless to say, my most memorable experience in IND is being able to know a bunch of good friends and classmates. We work together, play together, eat together, hang out together and undertake projects together. Doing project work that requires grouping with other classmates certainly performed its task in helping us to bond. The memorable APEL – Applied Principles of Effective Living - class also played a part. Also, the fun-loving lecturers helped in creating a very beautiful experience in my poly life.
Although it's sad to say the programming languages and programs that we have been taught in school is rather different from what the industry is using, I feel that IND actually prepared us for the real world by imparting skills that are required in the industry like communication skills and allowing us to have valuable experiences from internship and lecturers sharing their experience.
If you want to go university, go to a JC. That is like the easiest route to university in my opinion. But well, even though I forsook JC for a polytechnic even though my aim never changed, it is to get into university. So for those of you, who have an aim to go to university like me, play hard! And work harder! Aim for a diploma with merit! It will open up a lot of door in university!
There is much more stress and it is very fast paced. It will be quite a struggle to keep up even if you are very good in your polytechnic life. It is like knowledge bombardment everyday.
Weekdays are all tutorials, labs and lectures in your mind every hour.
There are computing in NUS or computer science or engineering in NTU. That will be like the mainstream degree for it diploma although I know a friend who was from IND who went to a business course in NUS.
Well, wasn’t that interesting? We’ve come a long way. I hope that this coverage is useful for y’all aspiring IMI students out there!
& wow, even this post, the content corroborates with the other posts. Therefore, it is safe to say that no matter what you do, just work hard. Put effort into everything you do, & before y'know it, the fruits of your labour will be borne.
Thank you Marcus, Guan Hong & Eugene for sharing your marvelous experiences in IND & TP itself!
There, those were three very interesting, informative & summative reflections of how TP & IND – now IMI – is like. Get the urge to join this big family of TP yet?
Y’know y’love me, XOXO.
Gossip J, Your source for all information IMI related, & more.