Happy New Year! Whats your resolution for the new year?
Grab some paper and a pencil to start setting your resolutions! Set something that is realistic, achievable and detailed. Start with taking a small step and then moving on to bigger ones. Keep motivating yourself to stick to it. After you have wrote out your resoultions, stick the paper to the mirror so that you will be reminded of it everyday!
Have an awesome year ahead!
Credits to NoOrdinaryLove for the brushes

Merry Christmas! =D
Spread the love <3
Last Christmas (Probably will be after you listen to this) by Jack S
Thursday, 23 December 2010 tags Miscellaneous
Secondly, through democracy (because I wasn't at the blogger meeting), the team has motivated
[forced] me to record myself, sigh, singing Last Christmas.
So please prepare for your Last Christmases as you listen to it. Merry Christmas to you all and to all free checkups at the ear clinic!
Managing your stress level is one important key skill you need to learn in life. It can determine whether the work/projects/assignments you hand in is awesome to the point of awesomeness or just plain bad that no one wants to read.
Hi fellow readers, it is me, Sheldon~! I have been one of the lucky few to be selected to go for the Stress Talk: “Your Breaking Point” by Ms Dilys. In the talk, I have learned that stress is normal and there are many categories of stress found. Stress comes in many forms and it can be broken down into the simplest form which is Family, School, Friends, Financial and Fashion.
Stress can get you in many ways; it can affect your body, your thoughts and your behaviour! If you do not handle your stress level well till it reaches the point where the Tornado meets the Volcano with strong winds, then it will result in a huge explosion which can be potentially lethal. Such fatal effects of stress will manifest in ways such as....
Back Pain
Stomach Pain
Lack of Focus
Over/Under Eating
Social Withdrawal
Crying Spells
Relationship Conflicts
Angry Outburst
We were given some tips on how to solve the stress that is building inside us. One of the ways to easily lower down your stress is to increase your self-esteem level.
How to increase our self-esteem...
Tip one: Your Strengths
Listing down ten things that you are proud of what you have accomplished.
For me, I am proud that I am chosen to be one of the writers for this awesome blog! If we give credit to our strength, our self-esteem level will go up. Always think about what we are good at and always remind ourselves about our strengths.
Tip two: Overcome Your Weakness
List down five things that you are not good at, on different pieces of paper. Try converting it from negative to positive.
For me, I am scared that “my English isn’t up to par” (I am selected to be a writer in this blog. HOW!?). I changed it to positive way, “I want to improve my English”.
Tip three: You Are Unique
Sign your name on a piece of paper
Take a look at your friend’s signature next time, is it the same?
For me, even though I know that my hand writing is horrendous. I am proud to say that I am awesome in my own ways and no one else is like me. For example, I am good at cheering up my friends when they are upset =D.
Audience Reflection:
"I have learnt that everyone is special and unique. So you do not have to have a low self-esteem as if you are
not good in a particular thing, you will surely be good in something else"
- by Shalom Quek Xian Lun, C245, IMI
"I learnt more about myself, my weaknesses and strengths. I will work on my weaknesses and
try to be a better person"
- by Javier Ang Zheng Yu, C233, CDS
"I learnt how to better my stress, realise my stress points and work on it to be a more relaxed
and happy person"
- by Alex Ng Guorui, C224, MWC
"I feel that through this talk, I get to know that we not only have to understand ourselves but also to understand the others personality as well"
– by Hikaru, C234, GET
Personal Reflection:
I am honoured to be chosen for this talk and I have learned many things which are going to be so helpful in my life. Above all, I have learnt to love myself and be proud of who I am as I am uniquely who I am. I need to love and take care of myself before I can love and take care of others. I have also learnt to love this job as a blogger so that I do not feel stress doing it! I do hope you love the way I blog. Have a great day fellow awesome readers!
Apparently, stress talk makes one more attentive and happy.
Chilling in the lecture hall.
SIP company - Optimatic Pte Ltd
Attachment period : July - October 2010
I have inevitably come to the end of my Internship. As much as I would want to spend as much time as I can with my colleagues at E27 but of course, the next leg of our Diploma studies is awaiting - Major Project. E27 is under the care of my SIP company Optimatic Pte Ltd.
I would very much say that I had quite of the best time with E27. As an events and social media-centric company that aims at Web innovation in Asia, E27 has come a long way from holding talks and seminars to holding the very recent - Asia's Largest tech Conference, Accelerate 2010.
Accelerate 2010, recognized as Asia's Largest Tech Conference, was done for the first time in Singapore, at the Suntec City Conventions and Exhibitions Centre. Co-organized with SingTel, a major key player with over 3 million user-strong market in Asia Pacific, the conference was a huge success among the major market players in the tech and Innovation field, also seeing attendees such as Developers, Innovators, Business people and Research Institutions.
As an Events Executive with E27, I handled many aspects of the conference, from maintaining the event website for the conference, to arranging Accommodation and other assistance for Speakers of the conference, and also crafting Sponsorship and Exhibitors Package for the conference.
Check out these websites for more details :
-E27 website >E27 – Web Innovation in Asia
-Event Website >Accelerate 2010
Maintaining the website is not much of an issue at all, as we all have learnt about websites and HTML and PHP etc. The challenge came in when I was required to perform tasks which was not taught in school - how to network with delegates, how to liaise with speakers and other guests to the conference, how to arrange for accommodation and transportation, who are the suppliers etc.
However, there wasn't really anyone to guide me along the way. Nevertheless, the work experiences from my previous company as an Event Coordinator gave me the relevant knowledge and know-hows to perform these tasks.
Of course there should always be challenges for us, otherwise life would get boring at times. So without much hesitation, I took up the job of crafting sponsorship and exhibitors packages for the conference. These scopes require a good knowledge of profit and loss when making considerations for the package amounts, such as $100,000.
And after the exhibitors were confirmed, they were put under my handling to liaise with them and arrange for their logistics requirements for the conference. As part of my handling, I had given several walk-through sessions for these Exhibitors to familiarize themselves with the specific venues of the conference within Suntec. I also did the allocation of exhibiting spaces for my exhibitors and sponsors.
And finally, before we knew it, it was the day of the Conference in Suntec! Of course we were all anxious and excited as well, to see how the conference being held for the first time in Singapore, goes. And again, before we knew it, the 2-day conference was over! We were all very busy during the conference. As I was in the Organizing Committee of Accelerate 2010 conference, I was required to oversee several aspects of the conference such as my Exhibitors as well as my Manpower for assistance. So I was just running around and making sure everything was running smooth for my sponsors and exhibitors and also ensure that my manpower is wisely utilized.
Being part of E27 and being in the Organizing Committee of Accelerate 2010 has brought upon many opportunities for me especially in this conference. Networking with top Keynote Speakers as well as other international delegates for the event was really something I really enjoyed. Talking with these people really enlightened me with much knowledge of the Tech and Media field as well as Business Startups and Incubation. It was also good that these guys actually recognized me from my previous conference - Echelon 2010.
It was also a pleasure working closely with SingTel as the main organizers of Accelerate 2010. Working with fellow corporate is something I have always wanted to do.
Overall, the Asia's Largest Tech Conference was a huge success with more than 2000 attendees in total turnover. It was also a huge success for us, the Organizing Committee for having worked without sleep and food several times and putting in so much of hard work. It was indeed a rewarding experience!
Thinking back, I see a lot of changes in me compared to before going for my internship. I have learnt the ways of corporate communications as well as working with Corporate. I have picked up the skills and knowledge of the Events and Conference Management field. I have also enlightened myself with the facts of the tech and Media market out in the world.
Ask me if I am ready to go out and start work in this sector - my answer would be a Yes of course. While I might not be perfect, but I did my best and accomplished what I wanted while being in E27 and having done my yet, another biggest project - SingTel Accelerate 2010.
All in all, I really enjoyed my time and I still do remain as a Part-time employee of E27, still helping them to coordinate other smaller-scale events.
Now, wouldn't you want to accomplish what you wanted to do, out in the working world? Go for it! All the best!

What is Formspring? It is a website which allows its users to set up a profile page whereby anybody can ask the users questions. After answering the question, the question together with the answer will be posted to the user's profile page.
Privacy setting:
You are able to set certain privacy setting.
1st : Allow anonymous questions on your profile.
2nd : Allow anonymous questions, but only from people who are logged in.
3rd : Don't allow any anonymous questions.
If you don't want to have creepy people asking you weird questions, number 3 is the best choice.
If you want to make sure that the person you blocked will not be able to ask you anonymously, number 2 is the way to go.
If you want to make sure that you get proper questions, number 3 is the ideal choice since you are able to block people who ask you stupid/dumb questions and they won't be able to harass you anymore.
Social Networking:
You are able to connect Formspring to your social network accounts. So, whenever you answer a question, they will be posted to the selected social websites and people will see them, thus on the route to FAME. You are able to select Facebook, MySpace and Twitter as options.
You are also able to connect Formspring to your blogs and whenever you answer them, they will be posted to your blogs and your loyal readers will be able to see them and know more about you. You are able to select Blogger, Tumblr and Wordpress as options.
You are able to embed a widget from formspring to your blog so your readers will be able to ask you questions from your blog itself, combined with the social networking and blog features. Overtime, you will become famous. However, do remember that this alone can't make you famous. You still have to post quality content to attract people to your blog.
All this wonderful features is what enticed me to use Formspring, I am able to connect to many of my real life friends and ask them question that I don't know about them and learn new things about their daily life. Formspring is fun and everyday without fail I will check Formspring to see if I have any questions to answer.
So hey! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WAITING FOR? Join me, M flaming blogger, on our conquest to achieve fame by letting people know more about us. The answers of FAME will guide you through.
Stay on the look out for my next erupting post, you have to and you will be in awe by my awesomeness. =D Remember to bookmark this blog for more insanity!
Signing off, the M blogger
P.S if you want to know what M means!? Keep guessing.
I'm Yu Ling from Year 2 of Interactive Media Informatics. So the reason I'm blogging is because I participated in Worldskills Qualifying Round 2010 - Web Design. The results have been just announced, and all 3 students representing Informatics & IT School have successfully made it into the finals!
Firstly I will share with you what's Worldskills is about. WorldSkills International is open to agencies or bodies which have a responsibility for promoting vocational education and training in their respective countries/regions.
It is held every two years and there are many and diversed categories ranging from web design, software applications to even cooking and caring. The qualifying rounds and finals are held by individual countries and the winner of each category will represent their country in competing on the international stage, in this case, London 2011.
For the category I participated in, Web Design, we had to spend 8 hours to design a website from scratch with functionaility such as login, register, posting of messages etc. The website will be like a portal or forum, something that is taught in our diploma in the subject Web Application Development.
The school provided us with training for about 2-3 months. We learnt coding languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. Training had been a tough process as it required a lot of patience and committment. But neverthless it was a very enriching learning experience and we had benefited much from it.
On behalf of the team, I thank our lecturers who have taught us everything they know to equip us with the neccessary skills for the competition. The journey has been long and tedious, but the effort has been worth it.
To all the juniors and freshman, you can be part of this if you dare to take up the challenge! It will be a tough yet enriching journey, but the effort will be worth it!
And now that we have successfully made it into the finals, we will continue training and work hard to go to London 2011!
Seriously, in the all the seriousness of reality, it remains evident that cash is indeed, important. Without cash, you will not be able to purchase simple things like clothes or food, which are by & by basic necessities.
Well, even though one could be schooling, it doesn’t mean that one has to focus on studies all the time. One could also take baby steps to learn how to manage their finances. This is an important skill for everyone as eventually, one must learn how to manage their own finances.
There are a few methods in which one could achieve this, either by starting up a simple online business, or taking up a part-time job. Both methods have their pros & cons, let me explain.
Part-time job:
- Stable pay
- Fixed working hours
- Work time may be inflexible & clash with timetables
- Work may be too tiring if manual labour is included - & this is most if not of all of the time.
Online business:
- Flexible hours
- At own time, own discretion
- Credit/debit card required
- Lots of travelling needed to do sales or posting
Those are just some of the general pros & cons. I could go on for ages, but I won’t let out all my trade secrets, will I?
Piece of advice though, if y’wanna earn money, then you just have to be patient, hardworking & meticulous. This can apply to school too. In the very end, your efforts will be rewarded. It just takes time, therefore patience has to be required in achieving success in learning how to juggle your time.
Alright, that’s all for now. Will do up a post again soon, having a very hard time over here. Don’t have to pity me, if you see me on the street, just buy me a new cardigan & you’ll make my day! Hint: I love those from River Island!
Y’know y’love me, XOXO.
Gossip J
IMI Publicity: An Amazing Experience With Students of Greenview Secondary
Tuesday, 21 September 2010 tags IMI Publicity
Our lecturer, Ms Faridah, welcomed the students and gave them highlight of the wonders of what the Diploma in Interactive Media Informatics can offer to potential students. She then demonstrated student projects which utilised current sophisticated technology such as Maya, Flash, Adobe Photoshop and After Effects.
Students were then treated to an exciting hands-on activitiy on how to edit photos using Adobe Photoshop. Junior IMI student Nicholas Leong who was from Greenview Secondary had the opportunity to demonstrate his skills he had learnt from IMI by teaching our potential students how to use selected features of Photoshop to edit photos of celebrity Justin Bieber and Rihanna which include changing the hair, eye colours and manipulate their facial features.
The session ended on a positive note with interesting sharing sessions of IMI students' (Freshies, Junior and Senior) experiences in the course who were also the helpers for this session. Our guest students from Greenview listened attentively with sparkles in their eyes as our IMI students shared what they feel about IMI and why they joined IMI. One of the students said that he had joined IMI because he wanted to explore into the depths of how animation comes about and all the wonders of the internet technology in existence. Indeed this was the best part of the event which is most memorable and heartfelt moment for all present.
Below are the quotations from the students who shared their wonderful and meaningul IMI experiences:
"The reason why I joined this course is because I am interested in 3D animation and learning how to make wonderful effects. So currently I learned how to make websites and create my own self-promotional kit." said Fauzan Khan, IMI Freshman.
"I join IMI because i was interested in learning 3D. Maybe in the future with the skills I acquire from this course, I plan to join Lucasfilm or Pixar." Nicholas Leong, IMI Junior student.
Below are the photos which we had taken on this event: